Itis expensive to be a passenger in your own life. You will end at a destination you don’t like. To be the pilot of your life, the driver of your life, and the captain of your ship, you must obey the 3 T’s of Life; Take a chance, Take charge, Take control.
However, you should know that people who take care never go anywhere. Friends can give you advice. They can share with you their opinions but they should never take a chance, take charge, or take control of your decision. According to Dr. Ubong King (The TroubleMaker);
If you want to change your FUTURE, change your friends.Your friends determine your VALUES, your values determine your DECISIONS, your decisions determine your ACTION, your action determines your RESULT. An eagle does not relate with chickens, if you an eagle stop talking to chickens.
Are you an EAGLE or a Chicken? Be Wise!
I like everything about Jack Ma. He wanted to kick-start his enterprise/firm, 23 people kicked against his idea but he never allowed them to take charge of his life. The rest is history as of today. Learn from that story; stay true to yourself, to your ideas, and to your dreams. Let faith be in control of every decision you make and every action you take.
Faith will die in the preliminary stage unless you believe in the positive idea that drops into your mind. Robert Schuller, in his words “ You won’t win if you don’t begin”. I’ll add to that quote “You can’t take a chance, take charge, take control without causing problems”.
Hear this, every person is creative but a lot of people don’t believe in their own creativity. Never reject a possibility because it is vague, remember there is something wrong with every good idea because God gives you an idea but your soft substance consisting of muscle and fat so-called FLESH won’t allow you to rest (Negative thoughts). To effectively take charge you must learn to manage ideas, and never throw away an idea just because it seems Impossible. Take a chance on the idea, take control and it becomes possible when you don’t relent in your pursuit.
There is no successful man that has not made a mistake, the name of the street to the house of success is called FAILURE AVENUE. You buy 1 mistake and you get 9 FREE OF CHARGE- Ubong King
All in all, I will leave you with a poem by Edgar A. Guest, and you will eventually Take a chance, Take charge, Take Control
Don’t trust the clouds — trust the sunshine. Don’t set your compass by the flash of lightning — set it by the stars.
Trust the sun — don’t trust the shadows. Believe in your dreams — don’t believe in your despairing thoughts.
Have faith in your faith — and doubt your doubts. Trust in your hopes — never trust in your hurts. When things go wrong, as they sometimes will when the road you are treading seems all uphill when the funds are low and the debts are high. And you want to smile but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit, Rest, if you must but don’t you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turn, as every one of us sometimes learns, and many a failure turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out; Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow.
Success is failure turned inside out-the silver tint of the clouds of doubt and you can never tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems far. So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit, its when things get worse that you must not quit.